Holy Mass at the Klagenfurter Dom / Heilige Messe im Klagenfurter Dom

Yesterday the Holy Mass for our athletes took place at the Klagenfurter Dom. Father Dr. Johannes Paul Chavanne held the Mass in German and English. In his sermon he emphasized how important the interaction of body and mind is and that we should pause even in stressful moments. The choir from Feldkirchen provided the musical accompaniment. Intercessions were read out by the young people from different nations in their own language.


Gestern fand im Klagenfurter Dom die Heilige Messe für unsere Athleten:innen statt. Der Pater Dr. Johannes Paul Chavanne hielt die Messe in den Sprachen Deutsch und Englisch. Er betonte in seiner Predigt wie wichtig das Zusammenspiel von Körper und Geist ist und dass wir auch trotz stressiger Momente innehalten sollen. Für die musikalische Gestaltung sorgte der Arche Chor aus Feldkirchen. Fürbitten wurden von den Jugendlichen aus verschiedenen Nationen in ihrer Landessprache vorgelesen.

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Closing Ceremony / Abschlusszeremonie

The FICEP/FISEC games ended with the farewell party yesterday. The closing ceremony included a slide show of the week's most impressive images, the fairness award was presented, and the medals in swimming and athletics were presented. It was a sensational week with a lot of experiences and impressions for the athletes from the 15 nations.