Photochallenge during sightseeing

The culture trip was not just a pure walk through the city center of Klagenfurt. The young people were invited to take creative group photos of a maximum of 10 people. The athletes really worked hard and delivered many creative snapshots. From the many great photos we received, the best will be chosen today at the farewell party in the Sportpark Klagenfurt. Which that is, will not be revealed yet…

You can find all photos here:


Der Kultur Ausflug war nicht nur ein reiner Stadtbummel durch Klagenfurts Innenstadt. Die Jugendlichen waren eingeladen kreative Gruppenfotos von maximal 10 Personen zu machen. Die Athleten:innen haben sich wirklich ins Zeug gelegt und viele kreative Schnappschüsse abgeliefert. Unter den vielen tollen Fotos, die wir erhalten haben, wird heute bei der Abschiedsfeier im Sportpark das Beste gekürt. Welches das ist, wird noch nicht verraten…

Alle Fotos findest du unter:

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Closing Ceremony / Abschlusszeremonie

The FICEP/FISEC games ended with the farewell party yesterday. The closing ceremony included a slide show of the week's most impressive images, the fairness award was presented, and the medals in swimming and athletics were presented. It was a sensational week with a lot of experiences and impressions for the athletes from the 15 nations.