Cultural Trip – a walk through the city

The young athletes also had the opportunity to get to know the sights of Klagenfurt as part of a city tour. The walk through the city center began at the Heiligengeistplatz – the program naturally included the Lindwurm, Klagenfurt’s landmark, the theatre, the Landhaus and the stone fisherman. Despite the heat, the youngsters clearly enjoyed it and they also found a fun way to cool off in the city ;).


Die jungen Athleten hatten auch die Möglichkeit im Rahmen einer Stadtführung Klagenfurts Sehenswürdigkeiten kennen zu lernen. Der Spaziergang durch die Innenstadt begann am Heiligen Geist Platz – mit im Programm waren natürlich der Lindwurm, Klagenfurts Wahrzeichen, das Theater, das Landhaus und das Wörtherseemandl. Es hat den Jugendlichen trotz der Hitze sichtlich Spaß gemacht und sie haben auch in der Stadt einen Weg um sich abzukühlen gefunden.

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Closing Ceremony / Abschlusszeremonie

The FICEP/FISEC games ended with the farewell party yesterday. The closing ceremony included a slide show of the week's most impressive images, the fairness award was presented, and the medals in swimming and athletics were presented. It was a sensational week with a lot of experiences and impressions for the athletes from the 15 nations.